Thursday 25 September 2014

Chiropractors To Relieve From Whiplash Injury

Human population is on an exponential increase and with that, the number of vehicles on the road has also increased linearly. This has again increased the number of auto accidents that happen every year. Any accident will cause at least a small injury to the passengers inside the vehicle. Even if the vehicle was running at a very low speed, it can cause potential damage to the neck and shoulder muscles of anyone inside, especially the driver.

Tebby Clinic in Charlotte is  the place where you get best auto accident injury treatment. They have professional practitioners and physicians who provide auto accident chiropractic care. People may sometimes ignore small pains or whiplash injury. But, this may eventually turn into a lifelong suffering.

What Is Auto Accident Chiropractic Care?

Accidents may most commonly make injuries to your neck, back or any other body muscles and tissues.  Chiropractors are practitioners who are well trained to treat these injuries. They also treat whiplash and such serious injuries of shoulder, arms and legs. Chiropractic care after an auto accident is very important because, if not properly treated, the injuries can even result in the damage of nerve tissues. So, the first thing to do after an accident is to get admitted to an auto accident injury relief Charlotte. Chiropractic care can also decrease your recovery time from the injuries and helps to reduce the pain.

So, remember to treat your body before you think about fixing your car after an auto accident and get yourself a good chiropractic care.
Alan M. Tebby, D.C.

Saturday 20 September 2014

Why Tebby Chiropractic Clinic In Charlotte Is The Best Answer For Chronic Pains

Spearheaded by the renowned and trusted doctor in the Charlotte region, Dr. Alan Tebby, Tebby Chiropractic and Sports Medicine Clinic has been successfully serving a number of people from across the region and the surrounding areas. In fact, it is the impeccable record set by this clinic which has lead to surge in popularity and trust on Chiropractic way of treatment in the region. The professionalism of the staff and expert credentials and experience of the doctors is the reason why people trust the clinic and send referrals to the others.
Chronic pain comes in many forms - mid back pain, cervical pain, lower back pain, sciatica, headache, and so on. When a conventional physician prescribes painkillers or surgery in some cases, Chiropractic treatment follows a non-invasive approach and finds cure for the ailments with the use of manual procedures and techniques. Whether it is spinal manipulative techniques, electric stimulation, deep tissue massage, and many such techniques, your Chiropractor gives his best effort to treat the chronic issues without use of surgery-medicine.
It is this natural way of healing and almost no side-effects approach that has gained trust and attention of hundreds of patients who are suffering from spine related pains and other medical conditions. Deemed as one of the front runners in spreading the wonderful science of Chiropractic healing among the residents of Charlotte, Tebby Chiropractic and Sports Medicine Clinic has set the standards for excellent service to people.

Thursday 11 September 2014

Why Pregnant Women In Charlotte Seek Chiropractic Care For Lower Back Pain

Lower back pain during pregnancy is a cause of concern for women. The underlying cause isn’t only hormonal changes that come with pregnancy. The shifting of center of gravity due to expansion of uterus also puts additional burden on lower back muscles. There’re two common types of lower back pain during pregnancy – lumbar pain and posterior pelvic pain. Though the pain might be unbearable it is discouraged for pregnant ladies to take strong pain killers on daily basis. Does this mean there’s no relief?

Your Chiropractor in Charlotte can guarantee a drug-free treatment of lower backache. Chiropractic care for lower back pain use proper investigation and then complete rehabilitation of the muscular-skeletal system. The treatment takes a natural path for health conditions and often involves deep tissue and other massages for complete relief of backaches. Manual adjustment techniques practised by practitioners have shown well documented positive results for chronic pain cases.

Chiropractic care for lower back pain in case of pregnant women involves proper investigation of the case history. Utmost care and necessary precautions are taken in case of pregnant women as they are more susceptible to small changes in the body. It is important that only an experienced and expert Chiropractor in Charlotte should be approached in case of a pregnant woman. For this you might go through a referral or talk to other people who’ve benefited from chiropractor care for lower back pain and other chronic pains. As the treatment is non-invasive, it is worth one shot!