Thursday, 3 December 2015

Special Techniques Adopted By Chiropractic Massage Therapists

Chiropractic Massage Therapists
Massage technique is one of the useful and effective methods used in the chiropractic form of treatment. The chiropractic massage therapists are experts in different forms of massages. They are aware of the proper techniques in massage that are used for curing various ailments. The types of massage and the uses of them vary from one another. Most of the professional Ballantyne Chiropractors depend on certain massage therapy techniques as part of their treatment. The reason for most of the pain is the lack of proper blood circulation because of the loss in flexibility of fascia. When these fascia stick together, it results in sensitive areas known as myofascial trigger points.  These trigger point acts as pain promotion areas. In a massage technique called myofascial release,that involves the application of light stretches in the tight area to release the fascia. The stretching is done with the help of hands or fingers.

Another related technique is the trigger point therapy or the neuromuscular technique. This is used in the management of more severe and complex pains. As the name suggests, this massage involves the administration of static pressure to the trigger points. The soft tissue injuries caused by automobile injuries or sport injuries are cured using soft tissue release. This involves application of precise pressure to muscles that results in their stretching. The stretching of the muscles helps in the recovery of muscle imbalances and thus leads to faster healing. Lymph drainage therapy is used to promote proper movement of lymph fluid. A set of rhythmic motion, involving slow and gentle strokes is made in the skin to enhance lymph flow. This massage technique helps to improve circulatory problems and to reduce swellings. Visceral manipulation technique is used to tone the organs. A gentle pressure is applied by the therapist to release tension of the organ and bring back to normal position.

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