Saturday, 19 December 2015

When do You Need the Services of a Car Accident Attorney?

       Accident Attorneys
Distracted driving is seen as a major contributor to the large number of deaths and accidents caused while driving. Distracted driving is the term used to describe the act of driving while multitasking i.e. indulging in any other activity like talking with a fellow passenger, texting or eating while driving. Distracted driving may be manual, visual or Cognitive. Visual distraction requires the driver to take his eyes off the road, like while talking to fellow passengers, texting or sightseeing while at the wheel.
Manual distraction refers to the driver taking his hands off the wheel. Classical examples include answering the phone, texting and eating while driving. Cognitive distraction is shown by drivers who take their mind off driving, while still behind the wheel. This means that such drivers are physically driving while their mind is wandering. This leads to slower reflex time and a high probability of accidents, including death while driving.
In the event of an accident happening, the driver or next of kin would need the services of a car accident attorney. Statistical data shows that drivers below the age of 20 are more liable to indulge in distracted driving. A large part of the blame in such situation rests squarely on the adults who as role models indulge in different types of distracted driving as can be widely seen.

Driving habits, particularly bad ones are easily imbibed by young drivers and result in accidents that warrant the services of an accident lawyer. Accident lawyer in Charlotte take up cases involving injuries in motorcycle accidents, auto accidents and auto accidents as well as medical malpractice and dog bite cases. These lawyers help the victims and their families to obtain their rightful compensation in cases of accidents that range from the minor like a slip and fall to major ones involving death by driving.
Tel. no 704-541-7111

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